Mike's Hike

Slow Tourism

The East Bohemian Way

Unfinished Business

Etapa 1. Krzeszów – Meziměstí

Délka: 26,8 km
Výškový profil:  588 m  611 m

April 8, 2024: I go back to The East Bohemian Way to complete the couple of days I missed last time. A warm wind from Africa has made the weather absolutely fantastic here. I see snow on the higher mountains so I won’t get too excited and abandon my warm clothes just yet. I made my way to the start Point last night by bus from Praha and had a hotel waiting for me across the street. I picked up a stamp from the City hall and was on my way. A few mountains at the beginning to get me back into shape. I camp exactly on the Polish, Czech Republic border in the forest on top of a mountain. I should be able to finish this missed section tomorrow and I will jump ahead to where I left off last time

I go back to complete the green part on the Polish side

The East Bohemian Way

Etapa 10. Záboří nad Labem – Kutná Hora

Délka: 15,3 km
Výškový profil:  74 m  33 m

February 22, 2024: Good sleep at my little cabin on the shores of the Elbe river. Funny to watch as two old guys try to communicate at check-in last night. I tell him with Google translate that the Czech language is next to impossible to learn and he tells me that he was taught Russian in school and too old to learn English. What a wonderful time to be alive. In a world where I can carry a computer in my pocket that translates any language , navigates, and connects me with others in the world. I don’t think these trips would have been as easy or even possible 50 years ago. I not saying it wasn’t possible, I can write and read a map. I am just saying it has opened up the world to more people to travel later on in life. Let’s put on my rain gear and get started.

Putting on a brave face, I begin my day

The East Bohemian Way

Etapa 7. Hradec Králové – Pardubice

Délka: 22,2 km
Výškový profil:  104 m  117 m

February 9 2024: Etapa 7. Hradec Králové – Pardubice, Camino de Santiago Czech Republic. Final day on the trail. Hotel we stayed at was cool! Perfectly restored Art Nouveau building. Wet day again. The stage is flat, mostly on asphalt and more rain. Back to Prague. 112 km donw and 3200 or so kilometers to go. 🏃‍♂️ Ultreia

Book is starting to look good!

The East Bohemian Way

Etapa 9. Přelouč – Záboří nad Labem

Délka: 27,4 km
Výškový profil:  121 m  137 m

February 21 2024: Had a good night sleep above my bar. Slow night so it was quiet, I was too tired to care anyways. Began my day early with the same routine. Find a place for groceries, snacks, coffee and a stamp for my credentials’. There is also a Kostel sv. Jakuba/Church of St. Jakub in the town square which we have to see. So let’s pack up our things and get started.

Morning packing, sticks at door so I don’t forget them

The East Bohemian Way

Etapa 8. Pardubice – Přelouč

Délka: 21,5 km
Výškový profil:  61 m  60 m

February 20, 2024: I return to the trail after a short hiatus. Unfortunately without my Camino partner. Having someone speak the local language is definitely a plus. I take a train from Praha to Pardubice and start where I left off. I continue in the southerly direction and will come back to do the couple days in Poland come Spring. Below is my intended route and the green marker is what is already completed. Best not to look at this map too often. One section at a time, Yes?

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